• Parent / Caregiver ADHD Coaching Sessions

    Parent/ Caregiver ADHD/Anxiety Coaching Sessions

    Has your child recently been diagnosed and you’re not sure where to start? Have you been attempting to help your child manage their symptoms and it doesn’t feel like it’s working any longer? Are you struggling with how best to help your child at school?

    Parenting our neurodivergent kids can feel overwhelming and traditional parenting methods often do not work well- and it can leave everyone not feeling their best. 

    If you’re looking for help in understanding your child’s diagnosis, help reviewing your child’s 504 or IEP plan and /or re-evaluating parenting strategies, I can help! 

    Parenting / caregiver coaching sessions are not typically covered by insurance and are fully customizable based on needs and budget. 

    Parenting Assessment: 90 minute session to identify parenting struggles, develop targeted solutions, gain insight into diagnosis and presentation to better understand your child and their needs.  

    Follow Up sessions: choose from 30, 45, or 60 minutes to follow up on the initial assessment, further identify strengths and challenges experienced since initial session.   

    If you feel parenting support is what you’ve been looking for,  reach out to me today and we can begin the journey together.